Heritage Conservation Incentives and Programs – Update

At the direction of Council, The City is currently working to implement new policy tools and financial incentives to support heritage conservation. This includes additional grant funding for designated non-residential heritage resources, continued development of a proposed residential heritage tax credit program, and phased implementation of residential heritage area policies throughout 2021-2023. At the July […]

Guidebook for Great Communities Revisions

On July 15, PUD was presented with the proposed Guidebook for Great Communities and the North Hill Communities Local Area Plan. The Committee voted to forward the recommendations of administration to Council. Those recommendations directed administration to revise both documents, based on feedback received from stakeholders, and to revise the Urban Form Classification System. On […]

Removal of Parking Requirements for Commercial Uses

What? On July 15, 2020 Council directed Administration to eliminate minimum parking requirements for businesses from the Land Use Bylaw (link to report) https://pub-calgary.escribemeetings.com/filestream.ashx?DocumentId=134809 This means that a business or developer would inform Administration how much parking their project requires instead of providing parking based on a rate located in the Land Use Bylaw Why? […]